Our Lady of Wisdom Italo-Greek
Byzantine Catholic Church
Eastern Christian Formation Site
Children's ECF Classes
We are currently registering for Children's E.C.F. classes.
Registration paperwork can be picked up at the office in the vestibule.
Children of registered parishioners may register their children.
Recommended Supplementary Reading &
Research Items
For Children ages 4 through 6
Everyone needs their own personal Bible - even your little ones! For children from birth through preschool, consider one of the bibles in the link "Bibles for the very young" below. If your child is in Level I catecesis, or entering that level, choose the more advanced Bible in the "Bible for Level 1-III" below.
For Children ages 6-12
Students in this age group think of themselves as "too old" for the child Bible recommended for the little ones (above). It is highly recommended that your child have their own personal Bible. This will allow him/her to become familiar with it while it also indicates to them that they are approaching adulthood. Recommended for children in Levels 4-8 this Student Bible is referenced with page numbers in the God With Us series of catecesis. it also has pictures and "helps" for the student, a link is provided below. In addition they will benefit from a map packet which will help them understand the journey of God's people in the Old Testament and New. As soon as your child gets into Level 6, he/she will need these maps, they are referenced in Level 6 catecesis often.
For Teenagers
Students in the upper grades are learning to read the Bible and use it for reference. Having their own personal Bible will encourage them to use it more often and bring them closer to God in prayer. If your child doens not yet have this Bible, it is highly recommended that you get it for them now. it can be used into adulthood. This Bible is referenced with page numbers in the God With Us series of catecesis. If you can purchase it for your teenager, it is highly recommended. The link below is provided for your convenience.
Also if your child does not yet have the Bible Maps which are recommended for students in Level 6 and above, please consider getting this for your child. Link provided below.
Class Overview per Learning Level
Class Themes per Learning Level:
LEVEL 1: "God Is Love"
LEVEL 2: "God Gives Life"
LEVEL 3: "God Calls Us Together"
LEVEL 4: "God's Promise"
LEVEL 5: "We Are God's People"
LEVEL 6: "We Respond To God"
LEVEL 7: "We Become God-Like"
LEVEL 8: "We Journey With God And Each Other"